Special-needs moms, let’s be honest. Not all parenting books apply to most of us. So many details of what we experience can’t be captured by someone who doesn’t live it each day. But what does speak to every mom I know—special-needs mom or not—is the power of Scripture. That’s what makes Brooke’s book Gospel-Centered Mom different from other parenting books.

Every mom can be a Gospel-centered mom, including those of us raising kids with disabilities.

My son James was diagnosed with autism in 2010, soon after his third birthday. Our lives are very similar to how they were then. We’re still watching Blue’s Clues each day, we’re still playing with trains, and we’re still changing diapers. The same-ness can get weary.

I sometimes look at other ten-year-old boys and wish James were more like them. Even the negative details of raising typical kids, like sibling fights and navigating online temptations, seem more appealing than juggling therapy appointments and IEP meetings. But when I focus on what I don’t have, I’m stealing the joy from my own experiences—my God-ordained life.

“There comes a time when a mom has to embrace the truth of who her kids are instead of wishing they were different.” – Brooke McGlothlin

As Scripture tells us and Brooke reminds us, God “will equip you with everything good that you may do his will, working in us that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever” (Hebrews 13:21). He will give you the strength, knowledge, and patience you need to raise the kids He gave you.

“No matter how hard my children are to raise, they are the story God has asked me to live. And he’s asked me to live that story in such a way that my responses bring glory to Him.” -Brooke McGlothlin

Your Gospel-centered, special-needs mothering brings glory to God. When you depend on Him for strength. When you search the Scriptures for wisdom. When you exhibit the fruit of the Spirit.

I know it isn’t the story you would have written for yourself or your children, but it’s the story God is writing for you, and that makes it perfect in His eyes.

Hard truth: We’ve bought into the lie that we are the main characters in the story of our lives.

Beautiful truth: Abandoning the ME gospel frees us to embrace God’s great big, time-spanning, all-consuming story, and it is better than anything we could design. – Brooke McGlothlin

Learn more about Brooke’s book, Gospel-Centered Mom.