My 3 boys are 5,4 and 1 and I am in the trenches of the exhausting and overwhelming little years. When 9 o’clock rolls around my head is ready to hit the pillow, though I never make it to bed that early.
You know what is really exhausting? Giving these little men chores and making sure they follow through. It takes more time and energy to make sure they follow through than it would take for me to just do it myself. But you know why we do it? Because now is the time to teach them responsibility. Our boys excluding the 1 year old, each have age appropriate chores.

Encouraging Responsibility Through Chores in the Early Years via The MOB Society
Each morning they have to make their bed and get ready for the day before they can eat breakfast. Once they come down then it’s time for them to empty the dishwasher. After eating their meals they ask to be excused and take their plates to the sink. Sometimes they even help with the laundry and take out the trash.
My boys don’t always want to do their chores, but we teach them that doing their chores is making a choice to serve your family above your own immediate desires. There is always something else they would rather be doing. Being responsible is sometimes sacrificial.
Giving your children chores in the little years or at any age will help teach them to become responsible adults. It also teaches them to serve others.
What are some ways you can teach your little ones responsibility through giving them chores?
- Give your children age appropriate chores. Check out the post earlier this week where our organizational guru, Becky Barnfather, showcased several lists of chores for boys categorized by age!
- Make sure your little ones follow through with their chores.
- Teach your children that every job they do, do it as to the Lord and not for man.
“Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men.” Colossians 3:23
Chores make up a very small portion of my boys’ day. Most of our day is spent playing and spending time together. You do not need to be dogmatic with your children’s chores for this to be effective, instead treat them as you would want to be treated at your job and the ability to use chores as a learning tool will go far.
Here are some resources.
Love this! I am contemplating giving pocket money for chores, but actually think chores should be ‘normal’ and not ‘a job’. Then how and when does pocket money get introduced and on what ‘terms’? THANKS!!