Meet The Team! at The MOB Society

Meet The Team! at The MOB Society

Welcome to our video series, Meet The Team! Each day this month, we want to introduce you to one of our incredible writers from The MOB Society in the hopes that you’ll get to know them better, see the face and voice behind the words on the screen, and give them a chance to share their heart for equipping and encouraging BoyMoms just like you!

Today, we’d like to introduce you to Kristi Griem — Kristi is the mama of a 7 year old, shark loving boy and is probably just like you — struggling with all the laundry and library due dates! She is passionate about writing on The MOB Society team because her heart is dedicated to ending human trafficking. With the primary clientele of human trafficking being male, she wants to be part of raising a generation of men who honor God and love Him. In doing that, she has a vision of a generation of women who are treasured and understand their value in Christ!

Kristi wants you to know that you’re not alone in your BoyMom journey — there is a host of women on our team praying for your sons and while we don’t have all the answers, the prayer and community found on The MOB Society matters. You can connect with Kristi further on her blog:

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Want to learn more about Kristi? Make sure to…