I suppose we could make a resolution to do better any time on the calendar, but there is something so attractive about a fresh new year, isn’t there?
I suppose we could make a resolution to do better any time on the calendar, but there is something so attractive about a fresh new year, isn’t there? It just seems more satisfying, doesn’t it? Well, here are five great boy-mom resolutions to consider adding to your list in a few days, friends.
1. Remember to give our sons more responsibility.
If you wait until he’s responsible to give him responsibility, he never will be. Boys learn responsibility by having responsibilities. Pick something that stretches him just a bit, believe he can do it , and he’ll rise to the challenge.
2. Decide to spend time on the important stuff.
One of our boys once said, “I hate computers.” Why? Because they absorbed everyone’s attention. In twenty years, how will we wish we’d spent our time? Knowing all the latest Facebook memes? Or, spending time with our boys doing things and talking with them? Discipleship is easier with our laptops and tablets closed, unfortunately. Let’s tune out the world and tune into our boys more.
3. Resolve to get serious about protecting purity.
We believe Internet pornography is one of the biggest threats to young men of this generation, and winning the battle to keep pure in mind and body is one of the biggest challenges. The statistics are simply horrifying. Let’s make sure we talk to our boys about sexuality in Biblical context. Let’s also make sure every Internet-capable device in our homes has protection.
4. Commit to praising the manly virtues in our guys.
Just like the men they’ll become, our boys crave respect. If we praise them for showing the manly virtues, they’ll break their necks to do those things more – and earn more of our praise. Let’s praise them specifically, like this: “Son, that was great how you took care of your little brother’s spill without being told. That showed real initiative and compassion. I’m proud of you!” Or “I appreciate that you didn’t give in to temptation when your friends were urging you. It takes courage and integrity to resist sin instead of jumping into it, especially when people make fun of you. Good job!”
5. Purpose to delight more in our boys.
It’s easy to get so wrapped up in teaching and correcting our boys that we fail to let them know how grateful we are that God put them in our family. This is one of the most critical things we can do as moms. Let your face light up up when they come in a room, give them lots of manly hugs, take the time to listen to what they care about.
Three of our six boys are all grown up now. The time they were in our home seems so brief now. Grab those days; don’t let them slip away! Whatever you do, resolve to love them more, disciple them more, enjoy them more – you won’t regret it.
Happy New Year,
Melanie, www.raisingrealmen.com
I love this! My husband read it with me. He specifically liked#1. It’s hard to realize my 2 almost 3 year old is old enough to start doing some chores of his own. Especially picking up his own toys. We’ve also been trying to teach him the difference between a lie and the truth and his to show his baby brother compassion.
So encouraging and great reminders! Thank you.
Fantastic! Forwarding to hubby now…